This week’s Character…

I’d done a Twitter survey, and the three people that responded voted for Mutants & Masterminds for this installment of Character A Week. This would be the first point based character gen I’ve done here and it’s taken me a bit longer than anticipated. I hope to have the walkthrough posted tomorrow, but here’s the stat block for the moment,

Unnamed Hero – PL 10

STR 3, STA 3, AGL 5, DEX 5, FGT 12, INT 1, AWE 6, PRE 1
Powers: Analyze Style 1 (1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Resisted by: Will, DC 11; Increased Range 2: perception, Insidious, Subtle: subtle; Limited: vs. your attacks, Limited Degree), Chi Mastery 1, Nerve Strike 6 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16), Restorative Chi 6, Stone Fist 5 (DC 23; Penetrating 8; Inaccurate: -2), Weightless Step 3 (Leap 60 feet at 16 miles/hour), Movement 1 (Alternate; Trackless: vision 1). Advantages: Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Benefit, Wealth (well-off), Daze (Intimidation), Defensive Attack, Diehard, Evasion, Fast Grab, Fearless, Fighting Style: Jujutsu, Grabbing Finesse, Great Endurance, Holding Back, Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Trip, Languages 1 (English, Japanese), Move-by Action, Prone Fighting. Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+9), Athletics 6 (+9), Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+15), Expertise: Philosophy 6 (+7), Insight 6 (+12), Intimidation 6 (+7), Perception 6 (+12), Treatment 4 (+5). Offense: Init +5, Analyze Style: Affliction 1 (DC Will 11), Grab +12 (DC Spec 15), Nerve Strike: Affliction 6 +12 (DC Fort 16), Stone Fist: Strength-based Damage 5 +10 (DC 23), Throw +5 (DC 18), Unarmed +15 (DC 18). Defense: Dodge 11, Parry 12, Fort 9, Tou 3, Will 11. Totals: Abilities 72 + Powers 21 + Advantages 19 + Skills 21 (41 ranks) + Defenses 17 = 150

Complications: Honor, Motivation: Doing Good

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