I am now enrolled in the DriveThruRPG.com affiliates program. You’ll see two RSS feeds listing top sellers and new products. I’ll mostly be using this to link to PDFs of the games I’m posting characters for.
Tag Archives: #administrivia
Backend Updating
Just installed Monsterinsight’s Google Analytics plugin so as to get some idea of traffic. Nothing much to see here. Please move along…
Starting new job
So, I am starting a new job as of today. I hope to keep updating this thing at least once a week. I have a few things to post on, AND I think I have an idea for the start of a Starfinder game, maybe for over the holidays.
Ideas for Upcoming Posts
So, I am throwing around some ideas for upcoming posts, seeing as how I’m not currently running anything.
- Get back to more coverage of Starfinder… how it differs from Pathfinder, media inspiration, and maybe some example characters.
- Short reviews for games that I have acquired recently. The short list of these at the moment would be: Mighty Protectors: Villains & Vigilantes 3.0, the current Conan RPG, Mercenary Planet, the Schlock Mercenary RPG, Blue Rose (AGE), 7th Sea 2nd, and Coriolis.
- One idea I had long ago was to write up a character for every RPG I know. That’s obviously a long term project and would likely require that I find a way to host a wiki, or find a wiki service.
- Then there’s the game ideas I have, but some of that would result in giving away spoilers for my potential players.
- Some sort of Tabletop tool review. Last year at Dundracon, Ken Hite expressed the opinion that we’re sort of living in a new golden age of RPGs. That the cost barrier to entry has dropped low enough that we’re seeing all sorts of new and different things. It occurred to me that the same could be said of tools for tabletop gaming as well. Software, etc. I wish I had the bonafides to lead a seminar at Dundracon on this.
So far I have only seen comments from two people, so I’m not entirely sure what my audience is. Yes, I know I need to find a way to promote this more so that the audience issue is no longer true. That said, what, if anything is of interest?
Should I use the ‘Read More’ tag for longer posts?